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Dedicated Minister for Knife Crime Prevention UK (DIRECT CAMPAIGN)

I continued to press the then Conservative Government and many links I have formed with certain individuals within the House of Commons to secure a debate on Knife Crime Prevention (with the hope that this might lead to a larger one which may consider my proposals for a Knife Crime Prevention Ministerial Office).

I also continued to give the press information to publish concerning the issue and they have never let me down as they have always published my endeavour.

Since the Southport incident on 29th July 2024 where 11 people were stabbed by a 17-year-old and as at today's date 3 little girls have lost their lives, I have now made it known that perhaps (and considering that a new Parliament petition is needed) that the emphasis should be that a Knife Crime Prevention Commissioner for the UK be debated as a clear indication to the general public that something will be done to combat this "epidemic".

Points to be considered prior, during and post any debate:

  1. Knife law in the UK is extremely stringent insofar as the current law makes it quite clear that there is no room for confusion in those seeking to carry an offensive weapon including a knife on the streets of the UK.
  2. Knives are and remain an integral part of everyday life. They are present in every house, we use them to prepare food, eat our food, they are used for work, e.g.; catering, eating, fishing, carpentry, climbing, surgery, and crafting to name but a few.
  3. The knife per se is a tool which is an integral part of every culture, so it would be a futile exercise in a campaign to remove the tool from society.
  4. So, what to campaign for?
  5. Should there be an increase on the starting point of minimum sentence imposed upon a convicted person who used a knife in the act of an assault upon a person including murder?
  6. Should there be an increase in the sentence of a person found to be in possession of a knife, without just cause?
  7. Should there be greater onus upon the person carrying a knife to explain the purpose and reason why they are in possession of the article?
  8. Should there be a system developed which limits households to having knives which exceeds "normal" usage?
  9. Should there be a registration requirement for every household for knives held within each premises above a certain length?
  10. Should there be a registration mark attached to every knife above a certain length?
  11. Should there be an added sentence starting point attached to anyone who has a previous conviction of violence with or without a weapon?

The list is not exhaustive and is open to debate.

Relevant Further Reading and Press Articles

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